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Divine Mercy Convent Orai , Jhansi.


Updated: Feb 19, 2023

On 26th June 2022 Ursuline Sisters of St Jerome in Somasca came to this new mission at Orai in Jhansi diocese. Here we have a higher secondary school and parish ministry. The initiative and request of our Jhansi Bishop we extended our educative mission from Rath community to this Orai mission. Sr. Alphonsa, delegate of India and general councillor Sr. Arogia along with other sisters who are appointed in this new mission came to the Bishop’s house. Bishop and other priest from Bishop’s house also came along with us for a short blessing of this new community in presence of parish priest and neighbouring religious sisters and priest. Now at present here we three sisters in experience.

What we see here there are 10 Catholic families. Some of them are migrated from other states. The original Utter Pradesh family are very few . Anyway, it is quite interesting and encouraging for us to be here because people are very happy and welcoming. There is also another religious community of sisters and OCAM fathers. We meet once in a month for recollection and sharing of our life. Every Sunday sisters of Sacred heart join us in the parish Mass. Our community takes care of scarcity and preparation for Holy Mass.

In the school Sr. Rosi is the vice principal and other two sisters teach the school . Our approach to the children are always doing from others because we have the spirit of our educative mission inherited by foundress. We are grateful to God for this opportunity and the same time there are challenges and difficulties, but everything help us for love of God.

During this month we got chance to visit few families of our parish and school teachers .what we appreciate in people are simple and genuine. We need to understand them and be kind and compassionate in all situations. So that we can witness the merciful love of God. During great synod 2020 -2023 we have more opportunity and responsibilities to be with people listening and accepting them in this journey of synodality.

I thank the sisters who gave me this chance to share few lines about our experience here in Orai mission.

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