Ministries Outreach activities
We are involved in various ministries. Here is a brief description of them.
Involvement in Various Works

Ursuline Sisters of Somasca is noted for its educative ad charitable service among the poor and needy especially in the villages. Our primary form of evangelization continues to be education. Through this ministry, we contribute to the integral formation of the young, instructing them in moral, in all kinds of knowledge and skills suitable to their condition. We enlighten them in the knowledge of God and the values of the Kingdom. In our schools we favour an atmosphere that is conducive to communicating Christian values. We give importance to religious instruction in the curriculum, always respecting the various religions. We impart education that will facilitate the development of the entire personality of our pupils. We strive to inculcate honesty, justice, a sense of solidarity and responsibility by teaching and directing them in the holy fear of God and so procuring His glory.
Most of the Schools are in the remote villages and of regional language catering to the needs of the poor, least and neglected ones of the society. For the integral development of our students we make effort to enable the students emotionally balanced, intellectually alert, morally sound, spiritually oriented, socially committed and culturally enriched. We promote faith formation, nurture love for nature and develop patriotism.
Socio-Relief Services
The Socio-Pastoral Ministry, foreseen in our Foundational Charism, is being realized in today’s context through our concern for the promotion of the Kingdom values of freedom, fellowship and justice, through our shift from mere charitable works to developmental and justice oriented ministrty. A good number of our sisters are actively involved in this ministry, working in organized Social work centers of our own. Sisters work also in collaboration with different dioceses and render full time service for the uplift of the poor specially for women and children in remote areas among tribals and adivasis. We contemplate the face of Christ in the faces of these with whom the Lord Himself wished to be identified.
Children's Homes
Residential care has always been a very important apostolate of the Ursuline sisters of St.Jerome in somasca. The faith formation could more easily be seen to for our young girls, especially the poor and deprived in an atmosphere of love and caring. Bl.Caterina & Mo.Giuditta, our foundress, was a woman touched by God’s love and this love she shared with all, especially the poor and lowly, the orphans and the rejects of the society.
Prison Ministry
We the Ursuline sisters visit the prison every week, specially the Ladies’ Section and listen to their problems, pains and sorrows and pray with them. Bread and other eatables are distributed to them. Once a month a programme for all the prisoners is conducted. They are also given a talk by different resource persons. Games are conducted and winners are awarded prizes.