Where do we work
Shanthi Niketan, Kundukulam
In the year 1996 on 3rd June, God in his bountiful Mercy called us to this special place. The Indian delegation sent three committed, loving and service minded sisters to render their selfless service in the Parish called Kundukulam. In the beginning we did not have a house to stay and for one week we stayed in Illiangudi parish and the then Parish Priest of Kundukulam Fr. Bastin extended his welcome and accommodated us in his parish house for one year and then we moved to our own house called “SHANTHI NIKETAN”.
The sisters very soon could gain the love, respect and confidence of the people by visiting the families and meeting them. We continued to deepen our relationship with the people by entering into their culture and traditions that boosted our zeal to render our services through many activities like: Parish apostolate, Education, Dispensary, Tailoring centre, Boarding.
We continue with the same spirit and enthusiasm in full collaboration with the parish priest to reach the goal, we undertake some of the mentioned activities
Animation of the liturgy, Helping in the sacristy, Active participation in the Eucharistic celebrations in various sub-stations, Teaching catechism to the children and adults, Visiting the families, Organizing the youth and counseling to promote in them to bring out the hidden potentials and Teaching in the parish school.

Orai, Jhansi
We Ursuline sisters of St. Jerome in Somasca began our educative mission on 28th of July2014. We had been invited by the Bishop Peter Parapailly Bishop of Jhansi diocese .
Jhansi diocese have many schools mission giving priority for education of children and youth. We are called to work in collaboration with this mission. Here majority of people are Hindus. Evangelisation through education is the only way to make know the Gospel. This is Motto of our mission.
Our presence in Rath which is a new mission of Jhansi diocese. This is located very far away from the diocese central Jhansi. Here in Rath only one Catholic family . Our presence in this place is very meaningful. We are accepted and respected by the local church as well as people’s. Apart from the educative mission we moved towards the village, studying, and knowing the situation concretely. People in the village welcomed us and appreciated our presence. We also began to teach elderly women giving them some form of informal education and for the poor children tuition in our community itself. Children come in good number in the evening for special class. Our history can be relived here with the spirit of commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. The flame of our apostolic education can be spark of upliftment of the poor, women and formation of children . We are happy to be witness the merciful prayer of Jesus through our educative mission.
Bl. Catherian Cittadini, Kannur
On 4th Oct. 2001 we began the new mission in the state of Kerala. Sr.Moni and Sr.Philo were the pioneers. They were staying in a rented house. In remembrance of the Beatification of Mo.Caterina Cittadini 29th April 2001 the house is named Bl.Caterina Cittadini. On 28th of Sept. 2002 laid foundation for the house in Kannur. On 21st June 2003 blessed the house by the Bishop of Kannur Rev.Dr.Varghese Chakkalackal and Rev.Fr.Zucol inaugurated the house by cutting the ribbon. The sisters began to study the situation by visiting the families, involving in the parish activities, youth animation and prison ministry. They sensed the need of beginning a school and started a nursery school in 2002.
The school that began as a nursery started to develop step by step. The good that derived from this work soon made the school to flourish, so the parents from all the neighbouring places competed with each other in order to be able to have their children educated in our School. So we began to have the infrastructure. In 2004 was the birth of St.Mary’s English Medium School. On 19th March 2010 laid the foundation for the High school in Kannur. Today it consists of nursery, primary and High school.
• Bl.Caterina Cittadini Community Activites
Teaching the Catechism
Family Visit
Pastoral Work

Arugolanu, Andhra Pradesh
It was a great memorable moment to recall when proposal put forward by Fr. Raja Rao and Fr. Bala showri Montfort Fathers to our Delegate,
Sr. Thresiamma and to Sr. Umbertina to start a house in Andhra Pradesh,
Sr. Umbertina, Sr. Moni, Sr.Anamma & a novice Rosi on 02-07-1994 were sent to identity the place. Hence on 3rd November started the community life in the parish house. The life was challenging, there was no proper house, salt water, hot weather.
Sr. Moni a woman of great faith has followed her suit and with the missionary spirit took the daring steps to become one with the people of the locality. Her presence in Andhra was almost tangible. The serenity in her face, with it firm determination, devotion to duty, strength of discipline, self denial and immense love enabled her to go ahead in heading the community. Her gentleness and unassuming nature are always cherished by us.
Another prominent feature of our institution is that in accordance with the special charism, the sisters took up catechetical work right from the beginning. They go from house to house and to bring the children and prepare them for communion and confirmation. They impart to married couples and those yet to marry, the duties and responsibilities of life. The sisters continued to carry out quite successfully and help the people to grow in the Christian values.
St Mary's Fatehpur
More information will be available soon

Jyothinilaya, Mysore
It was necessary to widen the tent because the space created was no longer sufficient to contain the family. As a solution to this need Fr. Gregory the parish priest of St Philominas cathedral, intervened in our history to suggest a place in Nadanahalli. Thus the land was registered in 1983. In 1985 on28th September the house was inaugurated and called JYOTHINILAYA which signifies “the house of light”.
At presentJyothi Nilaya is rendering its service in various fields like Education, social service, home for the orphans and preparing the youth formation for the congregation. It is also taking active part in the parish activities like family visit and teaching catechism.

Angela Merici, Mysore
On 1978 we owned a house of our own in the Indian soil which is called Angela Merici. It was always a precarious situation about the house whether to sell or to rebuild finally it was decided to rebuild. On 21st Aug.2008 the foundation stone was laid by the then Parish Priest of St.Philominas Cathedral Rev.Msgr. N.S.Marie Joseph.
On May 22nd 2010 was a remarkable day for us. Our Bp.Rev.Dr.Thomas Antony blessed the house and Rev.Mo.Letizia inaugurated, in the presence of many sisters from different communities, friends and neighbours who were present to witness and rejoice for the blessings of the new building of Angela Merici Convent. The long awaited dream to preserve and renew this abode was fulfilled.
Since this house is in the heart of the city it also facilitates sisters to pursue their higher education. The sisters here actively participate in parish activities, help in the animation of the liturgy, catechesis and the collaboration for the unity of the families.

Maria Bhavan, Vizag
More information will be available soon

Caterina Cittadini, Kedamullore
In 1980 the Bishop of Mysore had invited us to extend our pastoral activities beyond the boundaries of Mysore and with this intention; the sisters had gone along with the Bishop to see the village called Kedamullor in coorg. On 13th May of the same year we started the mission in Kedamullore. The first sisters who were transferred to this community were Sr.Mary Pynadath, Sr.Annamma and Sr.Philomina.
The Sisters started their apostolate in the school and in the parish later on they started an orphanage called Caterina Cittadini Children’s Home. It is a house for children who are destitute, semi-orphans and orphans, established in the year 1982. Sisters visited the families and extended moral support and possible help to many families. Our presence continues to cater to the needs of the poor and abandoned children, families and the parish.
Teaching the Catechism
Family Visit
Pastoral Work
Care of orphans

Cittadini Illam, Nagercoil
On 26th Dec. 2004 Tsunami destroyed the coastal areas of India especially in Tamil Nadu. Mother expressed in her message that we would like to extend our service to the victims and as a result three sisters were assigned to go to Nagercoil. On 16th of January 2005 the sisters left to Nagercoil.
As the sisters reached in Nagercoil there was no house for them to stay so they stayed with somascan fathers nearly one month. Later we found a rented house proper to accommodate about 30 girls who had lost everything in the tsunami. Our presence was a great help for these girls in order to continue their education and brighten up their future. In collaboration with the Somascan Fathers we continued our presence and today about 50 girls are frequenting higher studies who are staying with us in the boarding. The sisters also help in the parish activities.
On 15th November, 2010 the new house “CITTADINI ILLAM” was blessed by Rev.Dr. Peter Remigius and inaugurated by Rev.Bro.Antonio Galli crs. Thanks to the Somascan Fathers.

Nirmal Bhavan, Mysore
On 1999 we purchased a land with a small house on Lalitha Mahal Road. On January 2007 we began the renovation of the house which is adjacent to Lalithamahal road. It was blessed on July 2008 by Bp. of Mysore Rev.Dr.Thomas Antony Vazhapilly, the house is named as NIRMAL BHAVAN.
It is a house which welcomes the young girls who seek to follow Jesus. The sisters are involved in the pastoral ministries, and in the family apostolate.
At present 4 sisters are staying there along with the aspirants.